Bibianne Roetert
Tony’s Chocolonely
Head of Marketing

Bibianne Roetert

"Tony’s Chocolonely, the impact company that makes chocolate"


Today, there are still 1,56 million kids working under illegal circumstances and 30.000 cases of modern slavery have been reported. Tony’s Chocolonely was founded to change this. In this talk I will explain what Tony’s does differently to make a change in the cocoa industry. By the end of the talk you will understand better what it takes to be an impact company that makes chocolate.


Bibianne started her professional career at Unilever Foods, where making an impact with big brands became her passion. For example, she helped turn virgin plastic bottles into recycled PET for Lipton globally. Then, the opportunity arose to contribute to the growth of an impact brand, Tony’s Chocolonely. This became her chance to make a difference in the world of cocoa and to challenge other marketers to use their business models to create positive change in the world.

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