Michelle Dassen

Email conversion killers and how to fix them

Meet Michelle Dassen, the dedicated Business & Product Lead Manager at Flexmail, who is on a mission to elevate customer satisfaction to new heights. In the following discussion, she will unveil a profound truth: achieving higher conversions in email marketing goes beyond mere tinkering with the details. Michelle will reveal that even unopened emails possess the potential to significantly impact your conversion rates. The essence of successful email campaigns lies in delivering precisely what your readers desire to know, rather than solely focusing on what you wish to communicate.

Business & Product Lead Manager
7 December
Stage "M"


Email marketing is the ideal medium to build and maintain relationships. But how do you ensure that in a world where attention is waning, you can continue to keep your subscribers interested? That your emails continue to stand out and support conversions? What are the main pitfalls we see time and time again and how can you avoid them? Together we improve some concrete examples with tips that you can immediately apply to your own communication.


After studying communications and PR, Michelle switched to tech. She started in a marketing role at Flexmail in 2011, where today as Business and Product Lead she is responsible for the product development of Flexmail within the team.blue group.The common thread throughout her career: responding to people's needs. She writes and speaks about strategy

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