
A reference for the flexible workplace of tomorrow

In an increasingly dynamic world, MeetDistrict is the ideal solution for those in need of a flexible and high-quality working environment. With four innovative locations in Ghent, Berchem, Brussels, and Diegem, it represents the pinnacle of facility support. From freelancers to large corporations, every professional can find a tailor-made solution for working and meeting at the highest level.

Community Building

An inspiring workplace with endless possibilities

MeetDistrict promotes Personality-Based Working: a productivity-driven work philosophy that suggests professionals achieve the best results when they determine their own way of working. That’s why all MeetDistrict locations, depending on your Membership, are available 24/7, and every space is designed to perfectly fulfil its intended function.

The magic word at MeetDistrict? Serendipity. Thanks to the dynamic mix of professionals meeting in shared spaces and at community events, fostering networking and growth is a daily reality.

The infrastructure at MeetDistrict doesn’t just inspire; it’s also smart. The integration of the MeetDistrict app enhances the overall work experience. From booking meeting rooms to entering the car park, everything can be done with just one tap on your smartphone.

Sustainable and high-quality

MeetDistrict strives for a sustainable working environment without compromising on quality. For instance, electricity is exclusively green and non-nuclear, excessive energy consumption is curbed without sacrificing comfort and safety, and suppliers are selected based on their own sustainability efforts. This commitment is backed by no fewer than three ISO certifications: 9001 for quality, 45001 for health and safety, and 50001 for energy management.

You can become a MeetDistrict Member from as little as €35 per month. Discover today which package best suits your needs!

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The BAM Marketing Congress is your annual meet-up with professionals passionate about marketing.