Dr. Marc Noppen
"Healthcare or Sickcare, that’s the question. (And the solution, by the way…)"
In the Western world, around 11% of nation’s GDP’s are spent on “Healthcare”. In fact, more than 95% of that budget is spent on sick-care , trying to fix what has went wrong in people’s lives. Less than 5 % is spent on trying to avoid sickness , by health promotion and prevention programmes. In this current paradigm, the demographic evolution ( increasing care demand), the decreasing human and budgetary resources ( decreasing care offering) as well as the increasing cost of medicine, will lead to an unavoidable crash of the system. The only why out, is a paradigm shift : to work on a reduction of disease burden and care demand.
Born April 6th 1960 in Liège. Latin-mathematics in high school, then Medicine at University Hasselt ( bachelor) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel ( master), summa cum lauda. Trained and certified in Internal Medicine and Pulmonology. Clinical and academic pulmonologist in Brussels ( University Hospital) and around the world; author of 165 peer-reviewed scientific papers ( h index 39 ), dozens of chapters and books, laureate of nine academic rewards. Certified in Pharmaco-economy ( U Antwerp) and in management and governance ( INSEAD, IDP-C14). Professor at VUB ( pulmonology , and health management), guest professor at Vlerick business school. CEO UZ Brussel since 2006. Board member in various social- and for-profit organisations and companies.