Isabel Verstraete
"What If Your Organization Could Grow Simply By Taking CARE?”
Running an organization today is tougher than ever. The pressures of rapid change, leadership challenges, and keeping top talent can leave you feeling stuck. The CARE Principles offer a practical and no-nonsense framework to help you navigate these complexities with care and clarity.
Isabel is a multifaceted growth strategist who helps organizations grow with purpose, care and clarity throughout Europe. Her 20-step CARE Principles Leadership guide helps leaders create more engagement with diverse and multigenerational teams and find sustainable growth as a result.
Her clients range from multinationals to start-ups in all sectors within Europe (Zeeman, Filliers Distillery, Lee Cooper, KitchenAid, Rubenshuis, etc). Renowned universities such as Vlerick, Nyenrode Business University, and VU University in Amsterdam regularly welcome Verstraete as a guest lecturer, where she shares her transformative insights rooted in the CARE Principles, leaving a lasting impact on the minds of tomorrow’s leaders.
The CARE Principles offer a practical and no-nonsense 20-step guide to help you navigate the complex world with care and clarity.